For Immediate Release
July 23, 2020
Contact: Judith Nemes,
ELPC Action Fund Launches Ad Campaign
“Watch What President Trump Does, Not What He Says”
for Protecting the Great Lakes and Safe Clean Water
GRAND RAPIDS—This week, the Environmental Law & Policy Center Action Fund launched a multi-pronged public education campaign in Michigan calling on President Trump to back up his words with actions when it comes to protecting safe clean water and protecting the Great Lakes. This robust “Watch What President Trump Does, Not What He Says” video ad campaign will air on broadcast, cable, streaming and digital platforms and run throughout Western Michigan, the Grand Rapids area, and along the western Lake Michigan shoreline up to Traverse City.
“The Great Lakes is where we live, work and play,” said Howard Learner, Executive Director of the Environmental Law & Policy Center Action Fund. “Michiganders and all Midwesterners care deeply about protecting the Great Lakes and safe clean drinking water. Polling shows that protecting safe clean water and the Great Lakes are top of mind issues for voters.”
“The Trump Administration’s track record includes cutting funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and rolling back Clean Water Act standards designed to protect safe, clean water. As President Trump and EPA Administrator Wheeler make their many pre-election visits and speeches around Michigan and the Midwest, let’s ask about what President Trump is doing, not just what he’s saying,” said Learner.
The campaign’s first 30-second ad is airing in July and August. In the next two weeks alone, this ad will reach over 750,000 Michiganders across the Western part of the state from South Haven to Grand Rapids to Traverse City.